Welcome to our podcast, where the fun never stops and the stories are always captivating.

Cast Members

Discover the stories of a team united by passion, exploring the diverse landscapes and cultures of America. Our journey is filled with unique perspectives and heartfelt conversations that bring our listeners closer to the essence of each destination.


About Zak:

@HeartaZakTV is a dedicated member of the SaitaChain Kingdom Community, known for his strong commitment to the cause and his generous follow-back policy. He's also taking the podcasting world by storm with @ATBOfficalPOD, connecting with his community on a whole new level. He's a SaitaChain Kingdom OG that's always maintained a leveled head, providing very good perspective. His kind & goofy demeanor may be misinterpreted in a variety of ways, but it's a conscious & intentional choice he makes to approach life this way. He's not afraid to put aside pride and ego to help the community that supports him, and he's always looking forward to meeting new people and sharing his knowledge. So, join the SaitaChain Kingdom Community and follow @HeartaZakTV – because when it comes to community spirit and crypto, bigger is always better!


About Long Beard McGee:

@LongBeardMcGee, the crypto-enthusiast and YouTube sensation! This bearded wonder has been riding the SaitaChain Kingdom Community wave since July 2021, and despite a brief hiatus, he's back and more determined than ever to conquer the Twitterverse. He's not just growing his own following but also spreading the love with a follow-back policy that's as generous as his beard is majestic. And if that wasn't enough, he's also taking the podcasting world by storm with @ATBOfficalPOD, connecting with his community on a whole new level. So, join the SaitaChain Kingdom Community and follow @LongBeardMcGee – because when it comes to beards and crypto, bigger is always better!


About Blake:

@GemStateCrypto is an individual who has been active in the cryptocurrency community, particularly with the SaitaChain Kingdom Community. They have shared warnings about potential scams related to SaitaChain Kingdom and have expressed opinions on various cryptocurrency projects, including their views on dumping and transparency in the cryptocurrency market.

@GemStateCrypto also contributes to YouTube projects that he thinks the community will love, showcasing his innovative spirit and dedication to providing valuable content. He’s a shining example of what it means to be a part of the SaitaChain Kingdom Community, always striving to make a positive impact and connect with others on a deeper level.


About Neo:

@EnterTheNeo is like the SaitaChain Kingdom community's very own Batman, only instead of fighting crime, he's battling for followers and podcast listeners! With a mission as noble as Bruce Wayne's crusade against Gotham's villains. It's like he's trying to join the Justice League of verified X accounts! But it's not just about the numbers for this crypto-enthusiast; he's also spreading the love with a follow-back policy that's more generous than a billionaire playboy philanthropist. And if that wasn't enough, he's also taking the podcasting world by storm with @ATBOfficalPOD, connecting with his community on a whole new level. It's like he's hosting the Wayne Enterprises Annual Gala, but instead of fancy suits and champagne, it's all about crypto and community spirit! So, join the SaitaChain Kingdom Community and follow @entertheneo – because when it comes to community spirit and crypto, bigger is always better! It's like the Bat-Signal shining bright in the night sky, calling all crypto enthusiasts to unite under the banner of @entertheneo!

Follow Us On X

ATBOfficial Pod ~ Zak ~ LongBeardMcGee ~

Blake ~ Neo

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Are you interested in collaborating with our podcast team? Share your details below, and we will reach out promptly. We are eagerly anticipating your message!